PJ learning how to climb up his new chair and table, we got this set for $10!
PJ playing on his new slide, I scored this for a whole dollar!
Family pic at the tulips!
Looks at those fields and the mountains, amazing!
Mom and I by the daffodils. So pretty!
PJ seeing the tulips for the first time.
PJ's new favorite toy is his crib! What a monkey!
Downtown Seattle
Flowers from Pike Place, can you believe that they only cost $10, and they lasted over a week!
Parker's over for dinner!
Baby Karston from CA, PJ loved him sooooo much and did very well with him around. PJ is bending down to give him a hug.
Those are some AWESOME yardsale finds! Way to go girl!
It was so fun to have dinner with you while we were in town! I must say that I was glad (?) to see the teeth come through in my children's mouths to account for SOME of their crankiness whilest we were travelling! Thanks for putting up with us :)
Jessica!! How are you guys? Well we miss you! Those flowers are dreamy! I cannot believe how big PJ is, time just flys! Well we have a blog too it is bhsivilay.blogspot.com. keep in touch, love you guys!
hannah sivilay
We miss you guys! We had so much fun up there, you were the best hostess:) I'll have to send you the pictures we took while we were there.
Love you, Aubrey
We miss you too Hannah! I tried to view your blog but it was blocked, so email me at sjmulkey21@yahoo.com so I can view it.
Wow! I miss you guys, a lot. It is so good to see pictures. PJ is getting big, and those flowers are beautiful. I look forward to being reading and keeping in touch through the blog.
The White's
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