We did it we gave him a buzz cut. I have been wanting to buzz it, but I thought the best time would be when Daddy was getting his hair cut too! Well today Steve was like "Honeybear, can we trim my hair?" I was like "oh,...sure" (in head, not ready to say goodbye to PJ's fun baby hair) I think that he looks older and I do like it. What do you think?
After (he did pretty well during the buzz)
yup, definitely looks older! buzz cuts would be much easier than the traditional cut that i make sammy sit through ... we are thinking about it, esp w/summer around the corner!!! it's just so hard to say good-bye to all that white blond hair! :)
"Honeybear." Hmmmm. New term of endearment. Maybe I ought to call Keith "Love Muffin." ;)
Cute boy! I think he looks older too. Okay you think it's hard to say goodbye to P.J.'s baby hair?, Karsten is only 3 months and desperately needs a haircut, I just can't bring myself to do it!
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