Sunday, August 19, 2007

80's Rock!!!

Last night Steve and I went to a benefit dinner for Empowering Lives International - theme was the 80's. We were trying to raise 14K to build out the walls of a school in Sudan, I think that we came close. It was so much fun to dress up and dance to some rockin tunes.

PJ has been into everything this week, he is a crawling machine! His most favorite thing though is to pull himself up on anything that is stationary, even if he towers over it. There have been a couple moments where he standing by himself! Here are some pics.

PJ on the prowl, some first steady crawling pics!

While I was getting ready for the big night out, who can resist a white face and bright red lipstick! PUCKER UP!!!

Me, totally tubular in 80's! I crimped all of my hair!

The pair of us!

Just plain cute!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


PJ started to really crawl today when we got home for church! I didn't really count what he was doing earlier as crawling. He repeatedly used his knees and arms to get different places while we were hanging out talking. We don't have pics or video yet because he stopped when we finally decided he knew what he was doing and it was worth caputuring!

It is hot today, but not humid so that is nice! Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Growing so fast!

This week PJ has started to pull himself up on the coffee table. He has done it once each day for the last few days. Heis not really sure what he has done but he is so excited when he sits back down. He is still army crawling, but now with an agenda! He is starting to understand when I say "come here" and crawls to me. No new teeth yet!

He also is starting to explore feeding himself! First I let him play with his food, he loved playing, no eating though! Then I gave him some banana and cheerios. He loved both and managed to get some in his mouth!

PJ pulling himself up on the ottoman! He is so excited.

Eating Cheerios for the first time.

What is this stuff?

"Thanks mom that was so much, can I do it again?"

bath time fun

In the pool with Dad! So much fun!