Today PJ is 18 mos. Time has come and gone so fast. We have been loving him more and more as he grows. Right now he is starting to put words together, "Hi Baby", learning new ones lightening quick, newest is gecko. He is a lover of all things that have to do with babies. A couple of examples, in Nursery at church they combined his class with the infants and where did he hang out, on the blanket with the babies. At his party this weekend there were 3 babies on blankets, he was around all of them while all of the other kids his age were blowing bubbles and chasing balloons. He likes to pick up and put away his toys. He is LOVING trucks, buses, cars and anything that moves on wheels. His feet are huge, size 7! He likes his music loud like Daddy! We are starting to enter the clinging to Mommy stage. He still loves reading books. He received some Duplos for his bday and loves them more than the Mega Blocks (Steve is very excited to raise another Lego lover). He is a wonderful eater and has recently discovered juice! He also loves to be outside, esp when he can follow Daddy with his bubble mower.
We threw him a 1/2 bday party this weekend. We have decided to celebrate his birthday like this for awhile, at least until he understands the difference between his bday and xmas. The party was lots of fun. We had every make their own personal pizzas for lunch and decorate their own cupcakes. Everyone was outside because the weather decided to act like it was at least spring. PJ was much better at opening presents this time around and kept close while I "helped him". We felt so blessed to have family and friends around.
Happy half birthday PJ! So, when is his actual birthday? My youngest was born on Christmas Day, and I've been thinking about the half birthday thing. Will you do anything small on his actual birthday?
His real birthday is 12/23, we are thinking of doing something small for his real bday, like just parents and siblings, but the whole day he gets to pick meals and such. But the big extended family and friend celebration will be in June. X-mas is way too crazy between our divorced parents and such for PJ to have a normal birthday anyway. Hopefully we can teach him that that time of the year is not all about him, but that he was born during a wonderful season.
Hey Jessica and Steve!! Happy half birthday PJ!!! He is such a precious little boy. I've been thinking about you guys a lot lately and I hope you are doing well. I miss you all. Kurtis keeps me posted whenever he talks to steve, but we need to do some catching up! Congrats on the pregnancy thing, I am so happy for you. Talk to you soon,
PJ is so cute! It was awesome getting to meet him in Spokane. Thanks again for coming over! We love you guys!
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