We have been knee deep in moving, unpacking and painting. Things are going pretty well. We still have the kitchen and Steve's office to do. Then I think we will be hitting the outside, where there are many things to do!
PJ has been growing so much. He is almost 25 lbs and starting to outgrow his 18mo clothing. We are waiting for the last 5 teeth to come in, hopefully they will be here by June. He is starting to say some more distinct words, Mama, Dada, Hot. He has been learning some more signs, he often mixes them up but it is still wonderful to see his mind learning. He is trying to push some boundaries but don't all babies! He loves to run in circles around the couch screaming and laughing. We are realizing that he has some quirks. For example, he likes to play with matching shoes, likes to have the tops on bins, and he is starting to put things away.
We did manage to go to the zoo with PJ's cousin Ivy. It was so much fun, PJ didn't really get the concept of watching animals. However, he is getting the concept of following cute girls! There were alot of babies at the zoo that day!
I am having trouble uploading pictures at the moment. So please be patient.