Wednesday, April 25, 2007

4 Month Check-up

PJ visited the Dr. today! He weighed in at 14 lbs 9 oz, measured 25.25 inches long. He has gained 2 pounds and grown 2.5 inches since his last appt. And currently I have been spit-up on 5 times! What a lovely day! Make that 6 times. Oh and he is starting to sleep through the night, 8 to 7!


Kate said...

Yikes, 4 months already . . can it be??? Seems like they were just born yesterday! I'm glad he growing up big and strong :) I think Zoe's check up is still a few weeks away, not looking forward to those shots so that's okay by me! I'm so glad PJ is sleeping more at night for you! Sleeping mamas are a happy thing :)

dorfee said...

He certainly looks determined to win the staring contest. Love the real smile!