Labor started on Dec 22nd when my water broke after my Mother had arrived at our house. I was in labor for close to 18 hours when they realized that little PJ was over 9lbs and his head would not fit. I was wheeled into the OR for a c-section. At 7:12 pm on Dec 23rd we were blessed with the most beautiful little boy! He weighed in at 9lbs and 3oz and 20.25 in long. So far we have determined that he has my nose, eyes, and lips. He has Steve's eyebrows and personality, he can work himself into quite a frenzy.
He has been such a joy this last week of getting to know him. The first night home from the hospital was hard but each night is a little easier. We have even been able to get 6 hours of sleep most nights!
What a happey family.
PJ Is a living doll.
What a fine addition
to the family. You
done very well.
Love you all, Nonie and Papa.
I had so much fun looking through your pictures and seeing how much PJ has already grown. We need to have a play date!!
He is a doll. Adorable! I LOVE all of the pics you posted too. He is so stylish. The Easter Pics are amazing. I love the green ties. Nice work, Mommy! (brianne)
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