Playing in Daddy's work boots!
4th of July, Parade in downtown Bothell. He had the TIME of his life looking at all of the chaos that passed by, we were amazed he enjoyed it so much.
First time sitting on the potty, with a Truck book of course. We haven't tried since and he wasn't successful, but a start is a start.
Riding a pony for the first time, he did not enjoy it!
He did enjoy the gymnastics area though.
He had great balance going across the beam.
On Sat we went to the Lake City Seafair festivities with some friends from church. All of the kids are roughly the same age. PJ had lots of fun just being out of the house. He likes to be in the car and look at all of the other cars on the road.
He is starting to assert his wants and desires more lately. He is starting to ask for different foods while eating. One of his most FAVORITE things is the movie "Cars" and anything else related to it. I think that he really enjoys Mater. Though he will only sit and watch 10-15 mins at a time.